What is the best way to retrieve the unique identifier of dynamically created divs and showcase a message based on that identifier?

Is it possible to retrieve the id of a dynamically generated div and show a unique message when each div is clicked in the code snippet found at this link?

function get_random_color() {
    var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
    var color = '#';
    for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
        color += letters[Math.round(Math.random() * 15)];
    return color;

var columns = 10, container = $("#container"), width = (100 / columns);

$("head").append("<style>.col { width: " + width + "%;} .row {  height: " + width + "%  }</style>");

for(var ii = 0; ii < columns; ii++) {
    container.append("<div class=\"row\" />");
    row = $("#container > div:last-child");

    for(var i = 0; i < columns; i++) {

       row.append("<div class=\"col\" style=\"background: " + get_random_color() + "\">szin</div>");


Answer №1

Avoid using the onclick attribute in your HTML code as it is unrelated to layout and appearance. The best practice is to keep functionality in JavaScript. Instead, create an ID scheme using iterators and set up a click handler for better organization.

Check out this example on http://jsfiddle.net/YYh3w/. Additionally, I've optimized your element generation for improved readability. jQuery simplifies the process of creating dynamic elements effortlessly.

var columns = 12,
    container = $("#container"),
    width = (100 / columns);

$("head").append("<style>.col { width: " + width + "%;} .row { height: " + width + "% }</style>");

for (var ii = 0; ii < columns; ii++) {
    var $row = $("<div />", {
        class: "row"

    for (var i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
        var $col = $("<div />", {
            class: "col",
            style: "background: " + get_random_color() + ";",
            html: "example",
            id : ii + "-" + i

$("div.col").click(function () {
    alert(this.id + " " + $(this).html());

Answer №2

Discover the power of dynamic ids! Simply use this code snippet to generate unique IDs for your div elements. When you click on any div, an alert will display the id of that specific div:

row.append("<div id=\"div_" + ii + "_" + i + "\" onclick=\"alert(this.id)\" class=\"col\" style=\"background: " + get_random_color() + "\">sample</div>");

Check out the live demo on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/FJhDw/5/

Answer №3

If you want to specify a div, it is important to give each div an id and you can also run a javascript function on each div when it is created.

For example, if you need the id of a div when clicked, you can add an onclick attribute to the div and pass it to a function.

Check out this Demo

updated: Demo 2

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