Ways to conceal components upon clicking a different element

Struggling to make this jQuery function properly. I have a form with all fields contained in a div.form-group. The subscribe button is identified by the id subscribe.

I'm aiming to hide the form fields when clicked, but my JavaScript doesn't seem to be cooperating. Below is what I've attempted without success:

(function($) {
    window.onload = function () {
        $("#subscribe").click(function() {
            $(".form-group").css("display: none");

The CSS for the form-group class specifies display: block.

Am I overlooking something obvious? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Answer №1

When working with jQuery, you can easily hide an element using the built-in .hide() method. This method acts as a shortcut for setting CSS directives like display: none and visibility: hidden.


If you prefer to directly manipulate the CSS properties, you can achieve the same result by enclosing the styles in quotes:

$(".form-group").css("display", "none");

Answer №2


Meant to be

$(".form-group").css("display", "none");

$(".form-group").css({ "display" : "none"});

You may have been attempting to specify the attribute as a single string. For single attributes, it should be separated by commas rather than included in just one string.

Alternatively, use an object if you wish to modify multiple css properties simultaneously.

Answer №3

$("#subscribe").on("click", function() {

Answer №4

$( "#newid" ).click(function() {
        $( "#targetid" ).fadeOut('slow');

Give it a shot!

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