What techniques can I use to adjust the size of an image through zooming in and out?

In my custom gallery component, the crucial code section looks like this:


        <img src={galleryIcon} alt='Galley icon' />
        <h1>My Gallery</h1>
      <Images isImage={custom.length > 0}>
        {custom.length > 0 &&
          custom.map((c, i) => (
              onClick={() => (setEdit((prev) => !prev), setActual(c))}
        <div className='add'>
          <button onClick={() => setGallery((prev) => !prev)}>
            <img src={add} alt='Add icon' />
          <p>Click to add a brick from our collections!</p>

Each image in the gallery follows this styling:

img {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    height: 28vh;
    width: 28vh;
    margin-right: 1.5rem;
    cursor: pointer;

Furthermore, whenever a user inputs a new image, I implement a resizing mechanism that maintains scale integrity using this function:

export function resizeImage(
  file: File | Blob,
  maxWidth: number,
  maxHeight: number,
  scale = 1
): Promise<Blob> {
 // Function details...

Lastly, the Resize component enables users to adjust images with a pinch and zoom feature as part of DOM manipulation:

const Resize: React.FC<Props> = ({ actual, setResize, setCustom, custom }) => {
 // Component details...

I am also utilizing the react-zoom-pan-pinch library for enabling zoom functionalities. My concern revolves around dynamically resizing images on the DOM based on zoom scaling triggered by TransformWrapper component's onZoomChange function. Is there a cleaner approach to achieve image resizing in accordance with zoom scale adjustments?

A minimalistic repository will be shared soon, but in the meantime, you can access the complete repo here: https://github.com/Mdsp9070/brickart/tree/dev

Answer №1

Yes, it is indeed achievable, but in order to implement this functionality, you must ensure that you are passing all the required props to drawImage. Make sure to refer to the official documentation for a complete understanding. There are additional optional arguments beyond the first four that you should be utilizing. By incorporating all eight props, you can precisely determine which portion of the original image to crop and then specify its positioning on your canvas.

To achieve this, you will need to perform some calculations involving mathematics as well as track relevant events to determine the source rectangle based on the center of the zoom and the scale factor applied.

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