React - Highcharts Full Screen dark overlay

I am currently working on integrating highcharts/highstock into my application, and I have encountered an issue with the full screen functionality.

The challenge I am facing is setting a fixed height for my charts while also enabling the option to view each chart in full screen mode. When I try to go full screen, the fixed height remains the same, leading to display issues. I attempted the solution suggested in this post, but unfortunately, it did not work as expected. Setting the height to 100% resulted in the chart overflowing the page and being cropped based on the screen's aspect ratio.

I came across a demonstration that seems to be functional, but I am unable to replicate it successfully. I am unsure about how this individual is calling the component and displaying the export module (hamburger menu) without explicitly calling it.

render() {
    return <div className="chart" ref={ref => this.container = ref} />

In my application, I am invoking the component like so:

render() {
  return (

I attempted assigning an ID to the element to set the height using CSS, but this approach did not yield the desired results.

While attempting to recreate my application with a functional example, I could only achieve it on CodeSandbox due to import structure limitations. However, I encountered an issue with the full screen feature and received the following message:

Full screen is not supported inside a frame.

Answer №1

This demonstration showcases the creation of a chart without utilizing the Highcharts React wrapper. It combines pure Highcharts JS with React, allowing the export menu to display without being explicitly called. The Highcharts React wrappers function similarly but offer more control in a 'React way'.

In regards to your issue, I recommend setting the height of the Highcharts component as inline React styling, which can be achieved by defining it in the containerProps object.

    <CardContent style={{ padding: 0 }}>
        containerProps={{ style: { height: "400px" } }}


To test this, utilize the open in new window option on the codesandbox (button located just above the exporting menu hamburger).

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