Is it necessary for two sibling elements to be of the same type in order for their margins to collapse together?

I am currently working on enhancing the visual appearance of a Bootstrap 4 card and encountered an issue:

The spacing between the About the gig heading and the top Date item appears to be uneven. I would like to make this spacing consistent. Upon further inspection, I noticed that margins do not collapse as expected.

This is evident in the h3 element with About the gig, which has a bottom margin of 16px:

In contrast, the following element with the Date has a top margin of 24px:

The total spacing between the About the gig and Date elements calculates to be 24px + 16px = 40px, whereas margin collapsing should result in max(16px, 24px) = 24px.

According to the explanation on, margin collapsing occurs for "adjacent siblings." The provided examples feature elements of the same type (e.g., two p elements). Do elements need to be of the same type to be considered "adjacent siblings"? What could be causing the lack of margin collapsing in this specific scenario?

Answer №1

To eliminate the 16px margin on the top h3, you have the option to apply an mb-0 class. This default CSS rule is part of Bootstrap framework. My suggestion would be to retain this margin and only remove it when necessary.

In my case, this setting can be found in _type.scss file, but it might be located elsewhere for your specific project.

Answer №2

To eliminate the bottom margin on an h3 element, simply add the class "mb-0" to it.

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