Positioning buttons and elements on top of a BootstrapVue Carousel slide: a handy guide

Can different elements be positioned on the BootstrapVue Carousel slide without restrictions, such as in any corner or position?

I have attempted to accomplish this by nesting additional elements within


However, it appears that all these elements end up inside the div.carousel-caption and I am unable to move them outside of that div.

I want to place buttons in the top-right and bottom-left corners of the carousel-slide, but every attempt leads to results like this:


As shown, all elements are contained within the caption div...

I have three queries:

  1. How can I achieve my objective and place elements in different corners of the carousel slide?
  2. Is it feasible to freely add elements to the carousel slide, but outside of the caption div?
  3. How do I relocate the entire caption div and indicators to the top of the carousel slide?

My code:

            :interval = "3000"


                <b-avatar size="md" variant="primary" icon="bookmark-heart" class="ml-2 highlight-button" button

And CSS:

        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        right: 0;

Answer №1

If you want to customize the content of your <b-carousel-slide> in BootstrapVue, you can utilize the img slot and adjust the layout using CSS:

  1. Firstly, add a <template #img> within the <b-carousel-slide> component.

  2. Inside this slot, include a <b-img> element with the desired image source.

  3. Create a new <div> with class carousel-extra-content and move additional elements like <b-link> and <b-avatar> into it.

    <b-carousel-slide text="asdasdasdsa">
      <template #img>
          alt="Random image"

        <div class="carousel-extra-content">
          <b-link> LINK </b-link>

            class="ml-2 highlight-button"
  1. You can then style the .carousel-extra-content element to position it in the top-right corner and ensure clicks are possible by adjusting the z-index.

  2. Adjust the styling of .carousel-indicators and .carousel-caption to relocate them to the top of the slide, taking advantage of their current absolute positioning.

.carousel-extra-content {
  position: absolute;
  right: 5em;
  top: 1em;
  z-index: 20; /* Ensure clickable area */

.carousel-indicators {
  top: 1em;

.carousel-caption {
  top: 1.5em;

Check out the demo here

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