Ways to prevent a floated element from impacting text-align: center styling?

Within my code, there is a <p> element structured as follows:

<div><p>Text Goes Here <span></span</p></div>

The CSS I currently have is:

div { text-align:center } span { float:right }

An issue arises when I populate the span with text - it shifts the content to the left. Is there a way to ensure that the paragraph remains unaffected when the span is filled with text? It's important to note that I am unable to modify the HTML, so it must remain unchanged.

Appreciate any guidance on this matter!

Answer №1

One solution that comes to mind is:

section {
  text-align: center;
  position: relative;
span {
  position: absolute;
  right: 0;

This code snippet effectively removes the <span> from the overall layout, ensuring that it doesn't affect the surrounding text. However, if the <span> becomes too large, it may overlap with other elements on the page.

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