How can I adjust the regular font size within a paragraph or link using bootstrap?

Looking at the fs-* classes can be very helpful, you can find them here:

The issue I'm facing is that these classes only work for h1 to h6 headings, and not for smaller text.

For example, I am unable to adjust the font size (make it smaller) of regular text within <p> tags or on a bootstrap link like

<p class="link-secondary">Very Small Link</p>

Is there a way in bootstrap to change the font size of normal text (not headings)?

Answer №1

Here's a little trick I discovered: you can utilize Bootstrap's inline text elements for styling. Check out this example:

<p>Regular content</p>
<p class="small">Smaller content</p>

In the official Bootstrap documentation, it states:

(The 'small' class) should be used for displaying fine print.

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