Ways to attach an item using its lower point instead of its upper coordinate

I am currently working on a poker table project using React. As of now, I have player components that need to be strategically positioned around the table.

One challenge I'm facing is that when the screen attribute changes, the position of the top two player boxes changes as well. While this is desired, the issue is that their position is anchored to the top, causing the players to move away from the table. Ideally, I would prefer the anchor to be at the bottom so that the players will stay next to the table.

Answer №1

If you opt for absolute positioning in this scenario, consider the following approach:

.player {
    top: 200px; /* define desired distance from top */
    margin-top: -100%; /* adjust element position so bottom aligns with specified top value */

However, it is recommended to utilize CSS tables or flexbox for a more effective solution.

Answer №2

The origin is typically positioned at the top left corner of an element by default. To position it at the bottom left corner, you must ensure to account for the height of the element in your calculations.

element.X = X;
element.Y = Y + element.height;

I trust this explanation clarifies things for you.

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