Why is my md-button in Angular Material displaying as full-width?

Just a quick question, I created a simple page to experiment with Angular Material. On medium-sized devices, there is a button that toggles the side navigation, but for some reason, it expands to full width. There's no CSS or Material directives causing this issue, and it seems to be inheriting the width of its container. Can anyone familiar with Angular Material help me understand why? (Resize the window to see the button in action)

Here's the link to my CodePen:


Below is the code snippet:

<!-- Container -->
<div layout="column" layout-fill>
    <div layout="row" flex>

        <!-- Content -->
        <md-content flex>

                <div class="md-toolbar-tools">

            <div layout="column" class="md-padding">
                The left sidenav will 'lock open' on a medium (>=960px wide) device.
                <md-button ng-click="toggleLeft()" hide-gt-md>
                    Toggle left

        </md-content><!-- ./Content -->

</div><!-- ./Container -->

Answer №2

The default width of an element is set to 100% of its container, unless a different size is specified.

Answer №3

I decided to enhance the appearance of my md-button by incorporating a DIV tag and setting its width property to 100px

Surprisingly, it turned out perfectly!

<div style="text-align: center;">
    <md-button ng-click="toggleLeft()" hide-gt-md style="width: 100px;">
        Toggle left

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