"Entering a text message will prompt the appearance of the on-screen keyboard in capital

Our website is optimized for use on Android tablets. I have added the following CSS to the input's class:

text-transform: uppercase;

While this successfully displays typed letters in uppercase, it does not change the appearance of the on-screen keyboard. Even though users are typing in uppercase, the keyboard still shows lowercase letters. This issue affects the consistency and user experience, as it creates a disconnect between typing in uppercase and the keyboard showing lowercase characters.

Answer №1

In my opinion, this particular aspect cannot be adjusted through CSS settings; it requires customization within a specialized application using the SDK.

Answer №2

Could pattern="[A-Z]*" work instead? I found on this Stack Overflow post that using pattern="[0-9]*" triggers numbers-only mode on iOS.

Answer №3

When it comes to Android, I'm not entirely certain, but for web pages, you have the option of using .onblur() in JavaScript to trigger actions when a field loses focus.

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