Utilizing SASS to retrieve the H, S, L values from a color

Is there a way to extract the H, S, L values from a hex color in SASS and assign them to separate CSS variables?

$colors: ( "primary": $primary, "secondary": $secondary) !default;
:root {
    @each $color, $value in $colors {
        --#{$color}-h: #{$value};
        --#{$color}-s: #{$value};
        --#{$color}-l: #{$value};

The current code mentioned above duplicates the color 3 times. Is there a more efficient way to achieve this in SASS?

Answer №1

Sure thing! I managed to accomplish it by utilizing various SASS functions.

@each $shade, $setting in $color-themes {
    --#{$shade}-hue: #{str-slice(quote(hue($setting)), 1, -4)};
    --#{$shade}-saturation: #{saturation($setting)};
    --#{$shade}-lightness: #{lightness($setting)};

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