Looking for a drum set with clickable buttons? Having trouble changing the background color in CSS/HTML? Wondering how to map keyboard keys to HTML buttons?

Behold my HTML creation:

<H1> <center> EPIC GUITAR JAM  </center> </H1>
    <img class="guitar" src="guitar.jpg" />
    <button class="strum" onclick="Strum()"> Strum Chord </button>
    <button class="pluck" onclick="Pluck()"> Pluck String </button>
    <button class="slide" onclick="Slide()"> Slide Solo </button>
    <button class="bend" onclick="BendNote()"> Bend Note </button>
    <button class="harmonics" onclick="NaturalHarmonics()"> Natural Harmonics </button>
    <hr />

CSS Styles

.guitar {
.slide {
    position: absolute;
.bend {
    position: absolute;
.harmonics {
    position: absolute;
.pluck {
    position: absolute;
.strum {
    position: absolute;

Javascript Functions

function Strum() {
var strum = new Audio("strum-acoustic01.wav");

// Additional functions for Pluck, Slide, BendNote and NaturalHarmonics

If you're struggling to add background color using CSS or inline styles, make sure your CSS file has proper syntax and is linked correctly in your HTML document. For assigning keyboard keys to HTML buttons, you'll need JavaScript event listeners. Feel free to ask for help on Stack Overflow or try online tutorials for guidance. Keep experimenting and learning - it’s all part of the process! :)

Answer №1

To link a keyboard event to the Document Object Model (DOM), you must connect the event handler to the Document.

An easy way to achieve this is through jQuery:

$( "document" ).keypress(function( event ) {
  if ( event.which == 13 ) { // keycode 


The JavaScript-only approach (without using jQuery):

function addEvent(element, eventName, callback) {
    if (element.addEventListener) {
        element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, false);
    } else if (element.attachEvent) {
        element.attachEvent("on" + eventName, callback);

addEvent(window, "keydown", Keypress);
addEvent(window, "keyup", Keyoff);

JavaScript equivalent of jQuery's keyup() and keydown()

Key Code

You can check the keycode at interactively.

One more thing

If you have two questions, it's best to separate them into two distinct inquiries.

Answer №2

Forget about setting "background-color",

All you need is to set background:

For example:

    background: #00ff00;

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