Tips for presenting a label and its value on separate lines while also displaying additional nested label-value pairs:

I have a specific request in mind,

But the result I am seeing is different,

Here's the code snippet, I'm utilizing bulma framework but encountering some challenges...

<section class="section">
  <p>Please verify the details below as per the specified requirements, no room for error</p>
  <div class="container">
    <div class="columns">

      <div class="column is-3 has-text-right has-text-weight-bold">
        Short Label 1:
      <div class="column is-2">
        <div class="field">
          <p class="control">
            Short Label 1 Value

      <div class="column is-2 has-text-right has-text-weight-bold">
        Short Label 2:
      <div class="column is-2">
        <div class="field">
          <p class="control">
            long value long value long value long value long value long value long value 

      <div class="column is-2 has-text-right has-text-weight-bold">
        Bit Long Label Than Usual 3:
      <div class="column is-2">
        <div class="field">
          <p class="control">
            long value long value

Answer №1

It appears that you will need to include the following:

<div class="column ...">

within rows

 <div class='rows'>
      <div class='row is-full'> column 1 | column 2 </div>
      <div class='row is-full'> column 1 | column 2 </div>

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