Incorporate a local asciinema file into an HTML document

Is there a way to embed a local asciinema session into an html file? Here is how my directory is structured:

$ tree
├── asciinema
│   └── demo.cast
├── css
│   └── asciinema-player.css
├── index.html
├── js
│   └── asciinema-player.js
└── makefile

Here is the content of my html file, following the instructions found here:

$ cat index.html
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/asciinema-player.css" />
<asciinema-player src="/asciinema/demo.cast"></asciinema-player>
<script src="/js/asciinema-player.js"></script>

After dragging and dropping this file into Mozilla, only "ABCDE" is displayed. Any idea why?

Answer №1

The issue at hand arises from attempting to execute a script utilizing XMLHttpRequest within a local HTML file in your browser. Upon checking the browser console, an error will be displayed as it struggles to locate files within all src/href tags. To address this, removing the initial / from each src/href tag would allow the player to load; however, this would lead to CORS issues when the script accesses your cast file.

An effective solution involves employing an HTTP server to host your cast files. This enables direct referencing using their complete server path, such as

. Alternatively, you can utilize an external URL for the cast file, provided that the external site has CORS disabled. For instance:

<asciinema-player src=""></asciinema-player>

The choice of HTTP server is up to you, as there are numerous user-friendly servers available across various programming languages. Consider tools like http-server for Node/JavaScript enthusiasts or simplehttpserver for those familiar with Python. Opt for the option you find most comfortable.

Another "solution" could involve disabling CORS in your browser. However, this approach poses security risks and is merely a temporary workaround.

In essence, loading local cast files within local HTML files is impeded by CORS restrictions. The recommended course of action is hosting your casts on either a local or external HTTP server.

Answer №2

If you prefer to keep everything local on your computer, there's a workaround available. You can embed the asciicast file into an HTML page by encoding it into a Base64 string and inlining it into the src attribute.

To do this, convert the demo.cast file using the command base64 -w 0 demo.cast. You'll then need to capture the output somehow and paste it into the HTML file. This can be done by saving it to a text file or appending it directly at the end of the HTML file before adjusting the rest of the HTML code accordingly.

Next, include the asciinema-player line in this format:

<asciinema-player src="data:application/json;base64,BASE_64_ENCODED_STRING_HERE" />

For example:

<asciinema-player src="data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjogMiwgIndpZHRoIjogMTQwL" />

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