What is the best way to choose every single element on the webpage excluding a specific element along with all of its children?

Is there a way to hide all content on a page except for a specific element and its children using CSS?

I've been exploring the :not selector, but I'm struggling to make it work with the * selector.

:not(.list-app) {
    display: none;

:not(.list-app *) {
    display: none;

The code above successfully targets the parent ".list-app" element, but I'm having trouble targeting its children.

Any suggestions or ideas to achieve this?

Answer №1

It doesn't seem feasible using solely CSS, unless resorting to a less than ideal workaround.

According to the Selectors 3 specification, the use of :not() necessitates a simple selector, which is why your initial approach isn't effective.

One potential workaround could involve implementing a straightforward override, yet there's a significant drawback: all descendants of the "excluded" parent would have to be overridden with the same display attribute:

body * { display: none; } 

.list-app, .list-app * { 
  display: block !important;  /* Each child now displays as block */
<span>Hello world</span>
<div class="list-app">
  <span>Hi world</span>

To gain further insights into the rationale behind this workaround's limitation, we can turn to an insightful response by BoltClock, addressing a related query from an earlier period:

A web browser's default styles are outlined in its user agent stylesheet, accessible through various sources as highlighted here. Regrettably, the Cascading and Inheritance level 3 spec does not present a method to restore a style property to its default browser setting. Nonetheless, plans are underway to reintroduce a keyword for this purpose in Cascading and Inheritance level 4, although the working group has yet to finalize the nomenclature for this keyword (the current link mentions revert, but it remains subject to change). Details regarding browser compatibility with revert can be found on caniuse.com.

Although the level 3 spec introduces an initial keyword, utilizing this to set a property to its initial value resets it to the default value defined by CSS standards, rather than that specified by the browser. The default value for display is inline; this is stipulated here. The initial keyword corresponds to this standard value, not the one mandated by the browser.

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