CSS: Placing a Column below a Float Positioned Column

While performing some maintenance on a website, I noticed that one page is not displaying correctly. There is a container div for a column on the left and a container div for content on the right, both within an overall page content container. Below these, just above the footer, there are three columns in a row falling into the main container using separate divs with the same div class, all floated to the left.

This layout works well on most pages except for this particular one. The content on the right side is not long enough to push the three columns below the larger column on the left. As a result, two of the columns end up floating next to the big column instead of aligning with the container, while the third column floats below the second one.

The CSS styling for the three smaller columns is as follows:

.FBG .blok {
    padding:5px 20px;

Although the code is consistent across all pages, the issue arises because there isn't sufficient content in the right div to force the columns down below. Is there a way to address this problem through coding adjustments, or will it require adding another nested div to this specific page? Any insights would be appreciated!

Answer №1

Eureka! I finally cracked the code! It turned out that all I needed to do was create a div class specifically designed to clear any floats. Here's the snippet of code that did the trick:

.clearfix {

I placed this code right after the container class div, but just before the column div. And voila, problem solved!

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