What causes an image's size to change when it floats within the parent container?

There seems to be a height mismatch issue between the container and the image inside it when the parent is floated, but not the child. However, when both are given the float property, the height matches perfectly. Why is this?

 <div class="parent"><img src="images/trest.png" class="image"></img></div>

Height Mismatches:


Perfect Alignment:


Answer №1

Essentially, when an element is specified with the float property, it usually ends up as a block element.

One common issue with image elements is the appearance of unwanted white space below them when placed in a block-level container. The traditional solution has been to change the image element's display to block.

According to information from MDN:

Since float involves using the block layout, it can alter the calculated value of the display property under certain circumstances:

A comparison between using float and display: block (essentially yielding the same outcomes):

.parent {
  float: left;
  border: 2px solid red;
.image {
  border: 2px solid blue;
.image2 {
  border: 2px solid blue;
  display: block;
.image3 {
  border: 2px solid blue;
  float: left;
<div class="parent"><img src="https://placehold.it/100x100" class="image"/></div>
<div class="parent"><img src="https://placehold.it/100x100" class="image2"/></div>
<div class="parent"><img src="https://placehold.it/100x100" class="image3"/></div>

Answer №2

andyb shared an insightful comment in response to the question:

Explaining that the issue with extra space below the image is due to the default vertical-align property of baseline for replaced elements like <img>. For more information, visit this link. – andyb

To resolve this issue, an alternative approach would be to change the vertical-align property from baseline to bottom.

Referencing timolawl's suggestion, adjusting the style of the first image as follows:

.image {
    border: 2px solid blue;
    vertical-align: bottom;    /* added this */

This adjustment will result in a similar appearance to the other two images, which achieve the desired layout using display:block and float respectively.

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