Problem: Tailwind CSS styles are not being applied on responsive screens in Next.js.Issue: Despite

I'm attempting to apply a custom class to a div that should only be active on "md" screens. However, it doesn't seem to be working -

<div className="md:myclass"/>


theme: {
      'sm': {
        'min' : '320px',
        'max' : '767px'
      'md': {
        'min': '768px',
        'max': '1023px'
      'lg': '1024px',
      'xl': '1280px',
      '2xl': '1536px'

globals.css // imported in my layout

 background: yellow;

Skeptical, I decided to test if ":md" was functional or not by adding "md:hidden" and confirmed that it does hide the element.

<div className="md:hidden"/>

I also double-checked if the class was imported correctly by trying to apply it directly without md: and observed that it worked properly.

<div className="myclass"/>

Is there another method to include my own custom class for responsive design, or am I overlooking something..

Answer №1

If you want to include your unique classes, you must insert them in one of the predefined Tailwind layers in the globals.css file. For more information on this topic, check out the Tailwind documentation

/* globals.css */

@layer components {
  .myclass {
    background: yellow;

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