Step by step guide to showcasing images dynamically in user interface

My current project involves displaying a screen with an HTML table and an image. The HTML table is fully dynamic.

The Code Working Process

When the user loads a page (with a URL), I render an HTML table in different parts as the page loads. I retrieve all the table data in JSON format at once and display 3 rows at a time on the UI, with an interval of 3 seconds between each set. Once the full table is loaded, I show an image for some time before loading the table again and displaying another image. Everything works fine, but now I want to dynamically display multiple images.

What I'm Trying to Achieve

Previously, I only had one static image to display using

<img src="Image/Counter A/CounterA1.jpg" alt="Some Image" width="460" height="345">
, but now "Counter A" has multiple images. For example, there could be two or three images. So, what I want to do is load the table first and then sequentially display the images after each table reload - showing the first image, reloading the table, and then showing the second image.

The Working Process

Here is the sequence: Table loading -> displaying 3 rows every 3 seconds until the end -> showing Image1 (CounterA1.jpg) -> reloading the table -> showing Image2(CounterA2.jpg) -> repeating the cycle of table reload and image display.

I have already successfully displayed the HTML table and one static image. Now, I aim to achieve this dynamically.

// JavaScript code snippet
var tableValue = [{
    // Table value objects here

// Function to initialize the table
function initTable(tableValue) {
    interval = window.setInterval(showRows, 3000); 

// Function to handle hiding the image and showing the table
function hideImage() {

    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 3000);

// Rest of the functions are similar for handling table rows and image display

// Initial call to start the process

// CSS styles for the table
tbody>tr>td {
    // Styles for table cells

// More CSS styles for table cell colors, widths, etc.

.already-shown {
    display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div id="DisplayTable"></div>
<div id="displayImage" style="display: none">

In order to dynamically display multiple images based on the counter, I have stored the image information in an object like this:

var images = {"Counter A":["CounterA1.jpg", "CounterA2.jpg"]}


I have added the following code snippet to address this issue:

// Further JavaScript code for iterating through image array and displaying the images
var images = {"Counter A":["CounterA1.jpg","CounterA2.jpg"]}; 

for (var key in images) {
    var imageList = images[key];
    for (i = 0; i < imageList.length; i++) {
        var img = $('<img />').attr({
            'src': 'Image/'+key+'/'+imageList[i], 
            'alt': 'Some Image',
            'width': '90%',
            'height': 680

I have made progress towards achieving my goal, but the issue I currently face is that the images are rendering one below the other instead of alternating between them. Each table should be followed by the corresponding image, but they are currently stacked vertically. Please review the provided snippets for more clarity.

Here is how the current image rendering looks:

And another image reference:

Additional image reference:

Answer №1

Give this a try.

I recently implemented a new function to format images in HTML. After determining the length of the image array, I introduced a variable called cnt (short for count) and set it to increment with each loop iteration. Using modulo operations, I was able to cycle through the images effectively.

var imgLen = 0;
var cnt = 0;

var tableValue = [{
    "Item Name": "MANCHOW V SOUP",
    "SellingPrice": 100
}, {
    "Item Name": "SMIRNOFF GREEN APPLE 60",
    "SellingPrice": 202
// Further code here

function initTable(tableValue) {
    interval = window.setInterval(showRows, 1000); // setting an interval to display the table gradually
// Remaining functions and code snippets...
tbody>tr>td {
    white-space: normal;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    font-family: Verdana;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: .9em;
// CSS styles continue...
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div id="DisplayTable"></div>
<div id="displayImage" style="display:none">


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