Spin a Material UI LinearProgress

I'm attempting to create a graph chart using Material UI with the LinearProgress component and adding some custom styling. My goal is to rotate it by 90deg.

const BorderLinearProgressBottom = withStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    height: 50,
    borderRadius: 5,
  colorPrimary: {
      theme.palette.grey[theme.palette.type === "light" ? 200 : 700],
  bar: {
    borderRadius: 5,
    backgroundColor: "#00A99E",
  transform: [{ rotate: "90deg" }],

using the following code:


This should result in a rotation like that shown in the image below:

How can I achieve this rotation of 90deg?

I have attempted to add

transform: [{ rotate: "90deg" }],
within the BorderLinearProgressBottom but unfortunately, it didn't work as expected.

Code Sandbox link for reference

Answer №1

If you're trying to display the LinearProgress component vertically, avoid using rotate(-90deg) as it will disrupt your layout. The transform property only visually scales the element without changing its size, so a rotated LinearProgress will still take up horizontal space. To properly adjust both appearance and size, consider looking at how Slider is implemented for guidance.

Here's what you need to do:

// Before
height: 50,
width: 'auto',

// After
width: 50,
height: '100%',

Next, rotate the progress bar within the container by adjusting the transform property to translate the Y axis:

bar: {
  transform: ({ value }) => {
    return `translateY(${value}%) !important`;

That's all there is to it. Your LinearProgress will now appear as a vertical Slider.

Live Demo


Answer №2

Here's a simple guide on implementing material-ui v5 components. Start by creating a custom styled component:

const StyledLinearProgress = styled(LinearProgress)(() => ({
  width: "16px",
  height: "100%",
  [`& .${linearProgressClasses.bar}`]: {
    backgroundColor: "#F5F6FA"
  [`&.${linearProgressClasses.colorSecondary}`]: {
    backgroundColor: "#eb82bf"

Next, apply the progress value and transformation using value and sx:

const progress = 40

     [`& .${linearProgressClasses.bar}`]: {
       transform: `translateY(${-progress}%)!important`

For a live example, check out this Codesandbox demo.

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