Omit the tag from the submission section

Currently, I am utilizing a <p> tag as a submit button/area by setting a specific id in jquery.

<p id="xyz"></p>

My requirement is to insert an input field inside this <p> tag to include a particular value that will be submitted using the jquery ajax post method.

<p id="xyz"><input type="number"></p>

Whenever I click within the input area, the jquery ajax submit process initiates. Is there a way to prevent this? Ideally, I would like the submit process to start only after entering a number in the input and clicking outside of it within the rest of the <p> tag area.

(Please note that placing the input next to the <p> tag is not an option.)

I appreciate any help. Thank you!

Warm regards,

Answer №1

After reviewing your question, it appears that a solution similar to this one could be effective. The key is preventing the click event of the parent element (p) from propagating further.

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