The password-protected HTML blog remains hidden until the correct entry is entered into the password box, causing

After successfully creating a password redirect page where entering the correct password redirects you to another URL ( with the password as correctpsswrd, redirecting to*), I attempted to improve it by making the password page fade in to reveal the blog if the correct password is entered. Despite inserting my password code into the theme and using jQuery, it still doesn't work! Here is my latest attempt.

Here is the CSS:

#hamuko {
    url('{image:background}') left bottom repeat;
    {block:iflittlecursor} cursor: url(, auto; {/block:iflittlecursor}

#hamuko #aki {
    {block:iflittlecursor}cursor: url(, auto; {/block:iflittlecursor}

#hamuko #sooj {

This is my jQuery code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
function goForit() {
    var passwd;
    passwd = document.getElementById('yosugay').value;
        $(document).ready(function() {
        alert('{text:wrong alert}');

And here is the HTML added:

<div id="hamuko">
    <div id="sooj">
        <img src="{image:pixel}" />
        {text:form text}
        <img src="{image:pixel}" />

However, the results are not as expected. The issues include:

  • The password code is not showing up
  • The transition from to went wrong, resulting in a useless white box on the page
  • To view the full failed attempt code, check the source of

If anyone could provide insights into what might be going wrong, I would greatly appreciate it. Even if you can't, thank you for taking the time to read this.

Answer №1

Consider using the .click() method instead of inline onClick function and update your current javascript code like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    $(function() {
        $('#button').click(function() {
            var password = document.getElementById('yosugay').value;
            } else {
                alert('{text:wrong alert}');

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