Include an Open OnClick event in the React/JSX script

We have a dynamic menu created using JavaScript (React/JSX) that opens on hover due to styling.

My inquiries are:

  1. Instead of relying on CSS for the hover effect, where in the code can I implement an OnClick event to trigger the menu opening using JavaScript?

  2. Is there a method to close the menu by clicking outside of it? If so, what would be the code location and structure for this functionality?

    var LanguageList = React.createClass({ render: function() { return DOM.div({'id': 'language-menu', 'className': 'language-menu'}, DOM.a({'id':'language-selected', 'className':'lm-arrow lang-item', 'href': '', 'title':'Google', 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML': { '__html': 'Google' }}) , DOM.ul({ 'id': 'language-list', 'className': 'language-list'} ,{}, DOM.a({'className':'lang-item', 'href': '', 'title':'Site1', 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML': { '__html': 'Site1' }}))

Answer №1

To make your code more organized, it is advisable to define a handler function before the render definition in React components. You can then use this function as the value of the onClick attribute.

var LanguageList = React.createClass({
    handlerOnClick: function() { ... },
    render: function() {
        return DOM.div({
            'id': 'language-menu',
            'className': 'language-menu'},
            'onClick': this.handlerOnClick,

Referencing this documentation can also provide additional guidance.

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