When attempting to change an image using JavaScript, the image fails to load

I am having trouble understanding what is wrong with my code.

 <script type="text/javascript">
   function changeImage() {
     var image = document.getElementById('myImage');
     if (image.src.match("bulbon")) {
          image.src = "C:\Users\ashokch\Desktop\light_bulb_off3.jpg";
     } else {
       image.src = "C:\Users\ashokch\Desktop\bulbon.png";

  <img id="myImage" onclick="changeImage()"
    src="C:\Users\ashokch\Desktop\light_bulb_off3.jpg"      width="100" height="180">

      <p>Click the light bulb to turn on/off the light</p>


When the page loads in the browser, the default image displays. However, when I click the image, the new image does not load as expected.

Answer №1

When trying to access files, avoid using invalid file protocols like (file:///C:/mydir/index.html). It is recommended to place the files in the same directory as your HTML file and reference them simply by the file name (e.g. light_bulb_off3.jpg), or update the paths to a valid format (e.g. file:///C:/Users/ashokch/Desktop/light_bulb_off3.jpg)

Answer №2

Here is a helpful tip:

<img src="file:///C:/Users/ashokch/Desktop/light_bulb_off3.jpg">

Make sure to remember the use of the file:/// protocol handler. Also, remember to use / (forward slash) instead of \ (backslash).

This method is specifically used to display local files in your web browser.

However, this only applies to local files.

If you want to serve these images through a web server, you need to create a folder within your web server's root directory.

For instance,


You can then save your images in this created folder.

After that, adjust the image src or javascript attributes to the absolute path.

<img src="/images/my-image.jpg">

This will take the current URL, remove the hostname and protocol, and add the src.

For illustration purposes:


<img src="{http://www.example.org}/images/my-image.jpg">

<img src="{http://www.example.org/folder/}images/my-image.jpg">

<img src="http://www.some-image-host.com/xyz123.jpg">

Absolute refers to having the protocol and hostname/path.

Relative refers to being relative to the root of your current domain (without any path).

Answer №3

Feel free to upload your pictures to a reliable image hosting platform such as:


After uploading, use the new links to view your images and make sure they are working properly.

"bulbon" ??? Have you heard of it before?

Answer №4

To ensure proper image path linking within your project, make sure to reference images relative to the project directory rather than the file system itself. You can achieve this by copying the images into the project folder or providing a corresponding relative path. This approach will effectively resolve any related issues.

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