Effective Methods for Implementing CSS Variables within nth-child Selectors

Objective: To pass a variable successfully as a parameter to nth-child. The task is to make the third line turn green in the example provided.

Dilemma: Currently, the parameter is being disregarded as a variable.

Inquiry: Is achieving this possible? If so, what adjustments need to be made?

Code Sample:

:root {
  --n: 3;
div p:nth-child(var(--n)) {
  background: green;
  padding: 10px;

Answer №1

Utilizing CSS custom properties is restricted to being used in declarations, specifically after the :. It's important to note that these custom properties cannot be applied in selectors or media queries.

This limitation highlights why it's inaccurate to refer to them as CSS "variables".

However, styles can be modified with Javascript:

const dynamicStyles = document.getElementById('dynamicStyles');

const n = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--n');

dynamicStyles.textContent = `
div p:nth-child(${n}) {
  background: green;
  padding: 10px;
:root {
  --n: 3;
<style id="dynamicStyles"></style>

Answer №2

Exploring the limitations of CSS, let's delve into this scenario: what color would the third p element be?

:root {
  --n: 3;
p {
  background: cyan;
p:nth-child(var(--n)) {
  background: green;
  :root:has(&) {
    --n: 1;

If --n is set to 3, the third p element will be green. If --n is 1, then it will be cyan. This cycle continues.

Answer №3

If you're looking to achieve this effect using only CSS, unfortunately that's not possible. However, you can create a JavaScript function to help with the task.

The following function will retrieve the value '3' from your :root{}:


Since JavaScript cannot be directly placed in CSS files, you will need to implement this in your HTML file. Your objective is to encapsulate an html style tag around the variable obtained from this function:

document.getElementById('custom-container'); // Select the div container

node.innerHTML('<style> #custom-container p:nth-child('); // Wrap style around the variable

.getPropertyValue('--n'); // Obtain your variable, which in this case is '3'

node.innerHTML('){background: green;padding: 10px;}</style>'); // Close the wrapping and define the style

<div id="custom-container"> <!-- Add an ID to mark your div container -->

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