Creating a switch statement that evaluates the id of $(this) element as a case

I have a menu bar with blocks inside a div. I am looking to create a jQuery script that changes the class of surrounding blocks in the menu when hovering over a specific one. My idea is to use a switch statement that checks the ID of $(this) and then modifies the surrounding classes accordingly. Additionally, I want the class to revert back once I stop hovering over it.

Here is a fiddle to illustrate:

// JavaScript code here...
@import url('styles.css');
<!-- HTML code here... -->

The goal is for #1 and #2 to highlight when hovering over #iz, #2 and #3 to highlight when hovering over #zn, and so forth. The classes should return to their original state when not being hovered over.

Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

Give this a shot. No switch necessary.

$(".navbutton").hover( function() {
    $(".mainnav a").removeClass("active");


Answer №2


instance $(this.attr('id') === "iz"): order to...

condition($(this).attr('id') === "iz"):

...bracket is not included.

Answer №3

In order to properly utilize a switch statement, the key should represent the property of the element, with each case representing a potential value. Your current code is essentially functioning as an if statement, despite the syntax error. Consider revising your code like this:

switch ( {
    case "iz":
        $("#1, #2").addClass("activatedmenubutton");

However, it's important to mention that having a switch statement with only one case is redundant, and you could simply use an if statement instead.

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