Is there a way to turn off alerts from Aspx files for HTML and CSS?

Dealing with annoying warnings in my aspx files has been a constant struggle. The "CSS Value is not defined" message pops up when I reference CSS files from different projects, causing unnecessary frustration. Even more frustrating are the warnings about invalid CSS properties like "Zoom" that I need to fix IE 6 rendering issues.

I attempted to use WarningLevel="0" in the <%@ Page tag to suppress these distractions but to no avail. I still want important warnings from my code behind file, just not the ones related to HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

If anyone has advice on how to selectively disable or filter out specific warnings, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for any help provided.

Answer №1

Give this a look:

You might also want to explore:

For the ultimate solution, check out

Tools > Customizations > Coding Tools > Web Development > Show tool tips

Answer №2

Head to Settings -> HTML -> Validation

Deselect 'Display Errors'.

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