When encountering a 404 redirect, CSS and JS files may fail to display

I created a unique error message using .htaccess, incorporating CSS and JS in separate folders. Although it functions properly when accessed directly, integrating these resources into the 404 Error message results in only the HTML text being displayed without the accompanying styles or scripts.

ErrorDocument 404 /error/index.html

Even after attempting:

ErrorDocument 404 /error/

The issue persists unresolved.

Answer №1

The reason for this issue is due to the use of relative links in your files, along with utilizing different directories for your web documents.

To resolve this problem, you can:

Place your custom 404 page in the root directory of your website.


Include a base tag in each of your HTML/PHP pages and set the root as the default base. For more information on the base tag, click here.

Another option is to:

Manually adjust the relative links on your 404 page. For example, utilize code like

<link rel="../your-css-dir/your-file.css">

Make sure to apply the same changes to your JavaScript file as well.

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