Chrome experiencing conflicts with backstretch when using multiple background images

In order to dynamically apply fullscreen background images in a WordPress site, I am utilizing Backstretch.js along with a custom field.

Everything is functioning properly for the body's background image. However, there seems to be an issue with another element on the page that has its background image set through CSS. This problem only occurs in Chrome.

Upon loading the page, both background images are displayed correctly. But as I scroll down, the CSS background disappears - sometimes entirely, and sometimes just sections of it vanish. Removing Backstretch resolves this issue, but ideally, I would like both backgrounds to remain fixed.


<?php $image = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wpcf-background-image', TRUE); ?>
    <?php if ( ! empty ( $image ) ) { ?>
            jQuery.backstretch("<?php echo $image ?>");
<?php } ?>


.full-grey-cover {
overflow: hidden;
background-image: url(images/menu-bg-2.jpg) !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important; 
background-size: cover !important;
background-position: center !important;
background-attachment: fixed !important;
-webkit-background-size: cover !important;
-moz-background-size: cover !important;
-o-background-size: cover !important;
background-size: cover !important;


I currently have two pages set up using Backstretch for the background.


These pages seem to function properly in Firefox and Safari, but not in Chrome (Mac/Mavericks). This inconvenience arose because I needed to use Backstretch since the fixed background was not working well on IOS devices.


Answer №1

Following the recent Chrome update (38.0.2125.101 m), I faced a similar issue with backstretch. Upon investigation, I discovered that the culprit was the negative z-index value assigned to the .backstretch class, causing disruption on my website. To resolve this, I adjusted the z-index to 1 and modified my wrapper class to position:relative with z-index:2, successfully restoring normal functionality. I hope this solution proves helpful!

Answer №2

This fix worked perfectly for my issue.

To implement this solution, make sure to insert the following code snippet into Backstretch.js:

$('body').wrapInner('<div id="backstreach-fix" style="z-index: 1; position: relative;">');

Place this code inside a.fn.backstretch right after:

0 === a(d).scrollTop() && d.scrollTo(0, 0);

Additionally, I had to adjust the zIndex values within the file.

Locate zIndex:-999998 and update it to zIndex:1

Search for zIndex:-999999 and switch it to zIndex:0

Answer №3

On a single page website (), I encountered the same issue as Neil Day. I utilized Backstretch in two different ways. Initially, I synchronized the background image with an animated slider created using Sweeper and animate.less CSS library. Secondly, I synchronized the background change with scrolling to various sections of the one-page site.

Everything was functioning correctly until Chrome underwent an update. Following this update, Backstretch started malfunctioning.

I attempted the solution provided by Janusz Chodzicki (avoiding negative z-index) with some modifications (I forked the original Github project:, but this only resolved the initial issue.

During page scrolling, I experienced unusual behavior. The fixed background would scroll, yet the Backstretch image either didn't appear at all or would briefly show up partially cropped, etc...

Ultimately, I decided to remove the CSS rule "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden," which animate.less attaches to the body, and now everything is back to normal post-Chrome update (even without the negative z-index correction).

Hopefully, this information proves helpful to others.

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