Repeated information displayed in modal pop-ups


<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-1" href="#">More Details</a>

      <div class="popup" data-popup="popup-1">
        <div class="popup-inner">
        <h2>Unbelievable! Check this Out! (Popup #1)</h2>
        <p>Per Serving: 5g Energy: 20kcal Protein: 0.0g Total Fat: 0.0g Saturated Fat: 0.0g Carbohydrates: 0.0g Package Size: 1 x 24 x 350g</p>
        <p><a data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">Close</a></p>
        <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">x</a>

    <a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-1" href="#">Quick Inquiry</a>

      <div class="popup" data-popup="popup-1">
        <div class="popup-inner">
        <h2>This One Won't Disappoint (Popup #1)</h2>
        <p>Another set of data that will not disappoint.</p>
        <p><a data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">Close</a></p>
        <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">x</a>


/* Outer */
    .popup {

    /* Inner */
    .popup-inner {
      -webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%);
      transform:translate(-50%, -50%);
      box-shadow:0px 2px 6px rgba(0,0,0,1);

    /* Close Button */
    .popup-close {
      transition:ease 0.25s all;
      -webkit-transform:translate(50%, -50%);
      transform:translate(50%, -50%);
      font-family:Arial, Sans-Serif;

    .popup-close:hover {
      -webkit-transform:translate(50%, -50%) rotate(180deg);
      transform:translate(50%, -50%) rotate(180deg);


$(function() {
    //----- OPEN
    $('[data-popup-open]').on('click', function(e)  {
        var targeted_popup_class = jQuery(this).attr('data-popup-open');
        $('[data-popup="' + targeted_popup_class + '"]').fadeIn(350);


    //----- CLOSE
    $('[data-popup-close]').on('click', function(e)  {
        var targeted_popup_class = jQuery(this).attr('data-popup-close');
        $('[data-popup="' + targeted_popup_class + '"]').fadeOut(350);


This code functions as expected but seems to have an issue with displaying the content in the second popup. Even after trying different jQuery popup implementations, the data inside the popup remains unchanged when navigating to the next one. How can this be resolved?

Answer №1

To customize the popups, you need to modify the data-popup attributes accordingly. For example, use popup-1 for the first popup and popup-2 for the second:

<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-1" href="#">More Details</a>

  <div class="popup" data-popup="popup-1">
    <div class="popup-inner">
    <h2>Exciting Stuff Here! (Popup #1)</h2>
    <p>Serving Size: 5g   Energy : 20kcal Protein : 0.0g Fat­Total : 0.0g  Saturated &nbsp; 0.0g  Carbohydrate : 0.0g Package Size : 1 x 24 x 350 g</p>
    <p><a data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">Close</a></p>
    <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">x</a>

<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-2" href="#">Quick inquiry</a>

  <div class="popup" data-popup="popup-2">
    <div class="popup-inner">
    <h2>This Feature Isn't Working(Popup #2)</h2>
    <p>Additional information that won't display</p>
    <p><a data-popup-close="popup-2" href="#">Close</a></p>
    <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-2" href="#">x</a>

Answer №2

If you want your webpage to function properly, make sure to alter the value of data-popup-open on the second <a> tag and match it with the corresponding data-popup attribute on the second <div class="popup">. Ensure that your JavaScript and CSS codes are correctly implemented.

<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-1" href="#">More Details</a>

<div class="popup" data-popup="popup-1">
  <div class="popup-inner">
    <h2>Wow! This is Awesome! (Popup #1)</h2>
    <p>Per Serve : 5g Energy : 20kcal Protein : 0.0g Fat­Total : 0.0g Saturated &nbsp; 0.0g Carbohydrate : 0.0g Package Size : 1 x 24 x 350 g</p>
    <p><a data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">Close</a>
    <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">x</a>

<!-- Changed data-popup-open to popup-2 -->
<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-2" href="#">Quick inquiry</a>
<!-- Change data-popup to popup-2 -->
<div class="popup" data-popup="popup-2">
  <div class="popup-inner">
    <h2>This is the one that wont work(Popup #1)</h2>
    <p>Another data that wont appear</p>
    <p><a data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">Close</a>
    <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">x</a>

Answer №3

Make sure to update the data-popup-open and data-popup attributes in the second modal section

<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-1" href="#">More Details</a>

  <div class="popup" data-popup="popup-1">
    <div class="popup-inner">
    <h2>Wow! This is Awesome! (Popup #1)</h2>
    <p>Per Serve : 5g   Energy : 20kcal Protein : 0.0g Fat­Total : 0.0g  Saturated &nbsp; 0.0g  Carbohydrate : 0.0g Package Size : 1 x 24 x 350 g</p>
    <p><a data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">Close</a></p>
    <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">x</a>

<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-2" href="#">Quick inquiry</a>

  <div class="popup" data-popup="popup-2">
    <div class="popup-inner">
    <h2>This one needs adjustments(Popup #2)</h2>
    <p>Other data that should be modified</p>
    <p><a data-popup-close="popup-2" href="#">Close</a></p>
    <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-2" href="#">x</a>

Answer №4

Take a look at this code snippet, it's fully functional! To create more modals, simply change the ID or popup name.

$(function() {
//----- OPEN
$('[data-popup-open]').on('click', function(e)  {
    var targeted_popup_class = jQuery(this).attr('data-popup-open');
    $('[data-popup="' + targeted_popup_class + '"]').fadeIn(350);


//----- CLOSE
$('[data-popup-close]').on('click', function(e)  {
    var targeted_popup_class = jQuery(this).attr('data-popup-close');
    $('[data-popup="' + targeted_popup_class + '"]').fadeOut(350);

/* Outer */
.popup {

/* Inner */
 .popup-inner {
-webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%);
transform:translate(-50%, -50%);
box-shadow:0px 2px 6px rgba(0,0,0,1);

/* Close Button */
.popup-close {
transition:ease 0.25s all;
-webkit-transform:translate(50%, -50%);
transform:translate(50%, -50%);
font-family:Arial, Sans-Serif;

.popup-close:hover {
-webkit-transform:translate(50%, -50%) rotate(180deg);
transform:translate(50%, -50%) rotate(180deg);
<script src=""></script>
<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-1" href="#">More Details</a>

  <div class="popup" data-popup="popup-1">
    <div class="popup-inner">
    <h2>Wow! This is Awesome! (Popup #1)</h2>
    <p>Per Serve : 5g   Energy : 20kcal Protein : 0.0g Fat­Total : 0.0g  Saturated &nbsp; 0.0g  Carbohydrate : 0.0g Package Size : 1 x 24 x 350 g</p>
    <p><a data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">Close</a></p>
    <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-1" href="#">x</a>

<a class="btn" data-popup-open="popup-2" href="#">Quick inquiry</a>
  <div class="popup" data-popup="popup-2">
    <div class="popup-inner">
    <h2>This is the one that wont work(Popup #1)</h2>
    <p>Another data that wont appear</p>
    <p><a data-popup-close="popup-2" href="#">Close</a></p>
    <a class="popup-close" data-popup-close="popup-2" href="#">x</a>

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