100% width with a pixel offset

In the past, I have achieved this by using padding. The concept is to have two div elements positioned side by side, where one has a width of 100% and the other has a fixed width of 50px.

Here's a rough illustration:

|              100%             |     50px     |

I am looking for a solution that meets the following criteria:

  • No use of javascript
  • Width should be exactly 100%, not less like 95%

Answer №1

Here is an additional response with a link to jsfiddle for reference.



To ensure proper formatting, the clearfix solution should be implemented on the parent div.

While this may not be the most conventional approach, it does get the job done. For optimal results, consider adding another div within the main div that has the 100% width to contain your content.

Answer №2

Based on what I see from your code snippet, it appears that you have tackled the issue in a way that I also considered to be the only feasible solution. By using absolute positioning and adding padding to create space for flexibility, you were able to address the issue effectively. Feel free to share your own answer to your question if you'd like!

For others facing a similar problem who prefer a straightforward answer without the need for a fiddle, here is the simplified version of your working code:


<div class="black">
    <div class="yellow">
    <div class="purple">


.purple{background:purple;width:50px;height:100%;margin:0 0 0 20px;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}

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