Scalable vector graphics require adjustments in scaling and translation, with variations between Chrome and Firefox browsers

I have an SVG diagram with some yellow points represented as circles.

<title>Yellow circles</title>
    <svg version="1.1" id="Слой_1" xmlns="" xlink="" 
    x="0px" y="0px" width="622.4px" height="373px" viewBox="0 0 622.4 373" enable-background="new 0 0 622.4 373" xml:space="preserve">
        <polygon points="0.1,0 622.4,0 622.4,373 0.1,373 "/>
        <polygon fill="#3F3F3F" points="97,51.6 586.2,51.6 586.2,295.5 97,295.5 "/>
        <g transform="translate(342,1098.55)" fill="yellow">
            <g transform="scale(418.2,-405.9)">
                <circle cx=".2888" cy="2.0004" r=".004"></circle>
                <circle cx="-.2666" cy="2.0233" r=".004"></circle>
                <circle cx="0" cy="2.2727" r=".004"></circle>
                <circle cx="-.5845" cy="2.3201" r=".004"></circle>
                <circle cx="0" cy="2.5786" r=".004"></circle>
                <circle cx=".5845" cy="2.3201" r=".004"></circle>

The issue I am facing is that the yellow circles are not visible when using Firefox on 3 out of 10 machines. However, they are always displayed correctly in any version of Chrome.

Answer №1

Encountering the same issue led me to discover a known bug in Firefox. Until the update (version 42) is released, I found a temporary solution by using an ellipse instead of a circle, like so:

<ellipse cx=".2888" cy="2.0004" rx=".004" ry=".004"></ellipse>

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