JavaScript Switch Open/Close Mobile Navigation Menu

I'm currently facing a challenge with a specific issue. I want to implement a toggle menu for mobile devices on a website that I'm developing. It's functioning smoothly, and you can see it in action on this CodePen.

The JavaScript code for toggling the menu using a button is shown below.

$(document).ready(function() {

  //Menu Toggle Action    
  $('.site-nav-btn').click(function() {
  $('.site-nav ul').slideToggle('fast');

  //Hide site-nav content initially    
  $(".site-nav ul").hide();

My dilemma lies in wanting to hide the toggle button and the toggle functionality when the screen width exceeds, let's say, 480 pixels, while keeping the site-nav ul visible. I've attempted to achieve this by combining the following code with the one above, but haven't been successful.

$(function() {
  if ($(window).width() > 480) {
      $('.site-nav ul').show();
  else {
      $('.site-nav ul').hide();

Since I'm not very experienced in JavaScript, any guidance on why it didn't work along with potential solutions would be greatly appreciated.

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