Using Material-UI to showcase a TextField with a labelWidth set to zero

I need to showcase a specific field on my website.

However, the issue I'm facing is that even when the field is in focus, the border remains unaffected and does not get cut off by the label.

The TextField component from material-UI is what I am currently using for this task.

Answer №1

Your task is to:

  • Conceal the label (I'm currently doing it when a value is entered just for demonstration - feel free to remove it completely)
  • Finalize the border, meaning remove the legend using CSS

Applicable CSS:

legend { border: 1px solid red; display: none; }

Relevant JavaScript:

const styles = theme => ({
  cssLabel: {
    color: "green"

  cssLabelHide: {
    display: "none"

          classes: {
              this.state.labelVisibility === true
                ? classes.cssLabel
                : classes.cssLabelHide,
            focused: classes.cssFocused
          classes: {
            root: classes.cssOutlinedInput,
            focused: classes.cssFocused,
            notchedOutline: classes.notchedOutline
          inputMode: "numeric"

Check out a functional example on StackBlitz here

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