Having trouble loading styles in Vue after publishing to npm

I'm currently using vue-cli3 for the npm publication of a Vue component.

Below are my build scripts:

"package-build": "eclint fix && vue-cli-service build --target lib --name @xchat-component/chat-component ./src/index.ts && shx cp ./src/index.d.ts dist/index.d.ts",

After importing this component into other projects, I noticed that all functions work as expected but the styling is not being applied.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the CSS file is located in



Does anyone have a solution to this issue? Your help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Hooray! I've successfully resolved my issue!

To start, you must generate a vue.config.js file within the Vue component project and insert the provided code snippet:

module.exports = {
  css: { extract: false },

Next, relocate the CSS section in Vue to ../assets/css/style.css and include ../assets/css/style.css as shown below:

<style scoped src="../assets/css/style.css">

Once packaged and deployed, the component will be able to access the CSS seamlessly!

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