Transform HTML content into a PDF document with page breaks

Currently, I am developing a function that involves an HTML template.

The purpose of this function is to generate a dynamic template and convert it into a PDF.

So far, I have been able to achieve this using the following code:

var output = '';
async.each(input.contentInfo, function(component, next) {
    renderTemplate(component, function(err, result){ //compile input and template together
        output = output + result; //merge all component's HTML source code together
}, function(err) {
    conversion({        //phantom-html-to-pdf function from npm module
        html: output,
        paperSize: {
            format: 'A8', 
            orientation: 'landscape',
            margin: 0,
            headerHeight: 0,
            footerHeight: 0
    }, function(err, pdf) {
        var outputFile = fs.createWriteStream('output.pdf');;

Without error handling in this example, let's assume everything functions correctly here.

After running this function, the output variable contains content similar to this:

<div style="page-break-before: always;">
    <div style="position:absolute;left:100;top:100;>
        Page 1 Content
<div style="page-break-before: always;">
    <div style="position:absolute;left:100;top:100;>
        Page 2 Content

When converting this HTML to PDF, I expected it to result in a 2-page document due to the page-break CSS property. However, with the position: absolute CSS included, it does not generate multiple pages as intended. Removing the position: absolute CSS fixes the page creation issue but affects the UI layout negatively.

Is there a solution to meet both requirements in this scenario?

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help and apologies if my explanation was unclear.

Answer №1

Upon navigating the npm module documentation, I was led to this specific page. One interesting section on "Page Breaks" caught my attention:

Within CSS, there are styles such as page-break-before which can be utilized to designate HTML page breaks. This feature can also be applied with phantom-pdf in order to indicate page breaks within PDF files.

    <h1>Greetings from Page 1</h1>

    <div style='page-break-before: always;'></div>

    <h1>Greetings from Page 2</h1>

    <div style="page-break-before: always;"></div>

    <h1>Greetings from Page 3</h1>

In brief: consider experimenting with page-break-before: always;.

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