The background is set and the vertical scrolling overflow is enabled

My website has an image set as the background, with a fixed position and overflow-y to allow scrolling. However, I have encountered an issue where the height of the image is causing problems on certain displays and resolutions.

To temporarily fix this problem, I changed the background to repeat-y fixed center top, but the repeated pattern looks unattractive. Is there a way to keep the background fixed for all resolutions without any blank spaces on higher resolution screens?

Thank you in advance for your help! To get a better understanding of my issue, please visit the following link:)

carminella DOT it/beta/chi-siamo/

Answer №1

To create a full page background effect, you can utilize jQuery scripts like Backstretch:

Alternatively, you can achieve this using CSS3:

I hope this information is helpful!

Many thanks!

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