What is the best way to continuously loop an image from left to right and right to left indefinitely using JavaScript?

As part of the challenge, I am tasked with creating a Pacman game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. One key aspect is to control the movement of the ghosts throughout the game. However, I am facing an issue with the current function that controls the ghost's movement - it only gets called once, causing the ghost to stop. Is there a way to make this function run continuously for an infinite amount of time?

function moveEnemy() {
        var e1 = document.getElementById("e1");
                if(parseInt(e1.style.left)>10 && parseInt(e1.style.left)<1000)
                    e1.style.left = parseInt(e1.style.left) + 5 + 'px';
                else if(parseInt(e1.style.left)<10 && parseInt(e1.style.top)<500)
                    e1.style.top = parseInt(e1.style.top) + 5 + 'px';
                else if(parseInt(e1.style.left)<10 && parseInt(e1.style.top)>500)
                    e1.style.top = parseInt(e1.style.top) - 5 + 'px';
                else if(parseInt(e1.style.left)>1000 && parseInt(e1.style.top)>500)
                    e1.style.left = parseInt(e1.style.left) - 5 + 'px';


Since I'm unable to utilize jQuery for this task, any solution using pure JS would be greatly appreciated :)

Answer №1

To achieve continuous execution in intervals, you can utilize the setInterval function.

setInterval(moveEnemy, 1000);

By specifying the time interval as 1000, the function moveEnemy will be invoked every second. You can adjust this value to set a different interval for executing the function.

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