Counting the number of elements in a list can be problematic when using Firefox

Currently, I am in the process of writing CSS to customize the appearance of an XML document. Specifically, I aim to alter how child elements are displayed and have them resemble HTML OL/UL/LI elements.

The structure of my XML file is as follows:

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style.css"?>
          <speaker>Speaker Name</speaker>
              text here
              one or  more clauses

This is a snippet of my CSS code:

.turn {
    counter-reset: item;

.turn .clause {

.clause  {
    content: counter(item);
    counter-increment: item;

I am following this resource: , and working with a similar document located at . However, there seems to be an issue as the display1.xml does not function correctly when viewed in Firefox. It works perfectly fine in other browsers like IE, Safari, and Chrome.

If anyone has any solutions or suggestions on how to make it work seamlessly in Firefox as well as other browsers, please share!

Answer №1

After some investigation, it appears that there is a glitch in the way Firefox handles the display: list-item property, particularly when it comes to passing the counter value. This seems to be causing the issue of zeros appearing in Firefox but not in Chrome.

To work around this issue, I have decided to avoid using 'display: list-item' and instead directly style the items to give the illusion of a list:

transcription {
      counter-reset: item;

clause {

clause:before  {
      counter-increment: item;
      content: counter(item)  ". ";

This solution works perfectly with the provided XML structure:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style2.css"?>
    <speaker>Speaker Name</speaker>
        text here
        text here
        text here

Please let me know if you encounter any issues while implementing this solution.

Sincerely, Al

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