Alignment issue with reCAPTCHA box detected

Why can't I seem to align the reCAPTCHA form properly on my registration page? Even though the div it is within has its text-align property set to center, the form still displays on the left side of the page:
However, when I use JavaScript to change its alignment (

document.getElementById("recaptcha_widget_div").align = "right"
), it suddenly aligns correctly (as shown in the screenshot taken from the middle of the page):

What could I be doing wrong?

Edit: Here's a link to a fiddle containing the div and all the CSS used on the page.

Answer №1

Here is an updated solution for this issue, specifically addressing the compatibility with Google's ReCaptcha version 2.0.

To ensure proper formatting, use the following CSS:

.g-recaptcha div { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}

The latest ReCaptcha version utilizes a single div class named g-recaptcha, accompanied by multiple unspecified and unsorted child div elements. This method is considered the most effective and secure approach to centralizing the widget correctly.

Answer №2

This CSS instruction is crucial:

#recaptcha_zone { justify-content: center }

Answer №3

To ensure proper alignment of the form, targeting the width and adding margin would be the best approach.

#recaptcha_area {  
    margin: auto;  

Interactive Example

Answer №4

@fred02138's suggestion didn't quite do the job for me, so I ended up including display:table in my CSS:

#recaptcha_area {
    margin: auto;

Answer №5

Ensure the CSS is properly set on the form to achieve the desired alignment. Since all elements are block elements, using text-align:center will not have the intended effect. Remember, text-align only works on inline elements.

Instead, try this approach:

form { display: inline-block; margin: 0 auto; }

Check out the updated example on fiddle:

Answer №6

To solve this issue, I plan to create a separate panel or div element and insert the reCaptcha within it. This way, aligning the panel or div control will be much simpler than aligning the reCaptcha directly.

Thank you,

Answer №7

i modified two elements

table {
text-align: center;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: auto;
width: 85%;

.label {
color: grey;
text-align: left;

check out the latest example

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