Why does the <div> element still have an offset even though its width and height are set to 100px and padding, margin, and border are set to 0px?

After styling my div element with specific CSS rules, I'm encountering an issue. The div has a set width and height of 100px along with padding, border, and margin all set to 0px. However, the elements are not being offset from the edges of the browser window by 10px as intended. Interestingly, the division immediately beneath this one is touching it due to the zero margin. Can anyone advise on which CSS default property can help resolve this positioning problem?


Answer №1

Include the following code snippet at the beginning of your CSS file:

html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

*, *::before, *::after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

The default browser behavior includes some automatic box model padding and margin settings. By setting the global box-sizing property to border-box, elements will adhere to a more predictable layout.

Answer №2

Don't forget to utilize the element inspector if you're unsure.


If you hit f12, you'll be able to access the element inspector. The gray areas in the inspector indicate which default styles are activated.

By default, the body has a margin of 8px. To remove it, simply use:

   margin: 0px;

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