What is the functionality of `first-child` when used with custom variants in Tailwind CSS?

I've been wrestling with understanding the first-child pseudo selector and after studying through this interactive example, I'm feeling quite bewildered.

<div class="[&:first-child]:text-red-500">
  <ul class="[&:first-child]:text-blue-500">

The expectation I held

I initially believed that [&:first-child]:text-red-500 would mean

to color the text red for the first child within this particular element (&)

However, it appears there's more complexity here. Can you shed light on what's truly happening in this scenario?

Answer №1

I believed that


changing the text color to blue, for the first child of this particular area (&)

However, that assumption was incorrect. It actually denotes

changing the text color to blue if this element is the first child of its parent.

The correct syntax you are looking for is


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