Is it necessary for each React component to have its own individual stylesheet?

Looking for some advice on React as a newbie here.

I'm wondering whether each React component should have its own stylesheet.

For instance, if I have my main App component that gets rendered to the browser, is it sufficient to include a CSS file there with all styles or is it preferable to have a separate CSS file for each component?

Appreciate your insights!

Answer №1

When it comes to CSS practices in React, there is ongoing debate about the best approach. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

If you are aiming for modularity in your CSS, one option to consider is using CSS modules. By utilizing packages like CSS modules, you can keep your styles contained within specific components to avoid conflicting with styles from other components.

In my experience, I have used a combination of both approaches. I start with a base style sheet (such as bootstrap) and then incorporate CSS modules to create unique components that can easily be reused in other projects.

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