Can you include an optional selector in SASS?

Here is an interesting concept: adding a CSS-selector optionally to the existing selector stack within a mixin.

This is what I envision:

@mixin myMixin(mobileSelector:true) {
  @if(mobileSelector) {
    .foo .mobile:before,
  .classXY .subclass:before{
    color: red;

.awesomeClass-A {
  @include myMixin();

@media (min-width: 1025px){
  .awesomeClass-B {
    @include myMixin(false);

Desired compilation result:

.awesomeClass-A .foo .mobile:before,
.awesomeClass-A .classXY .subclass:before {
    color: red;

@media (min-width: 1025px) {
  .awesomeClass-B .classXY .subclass:before {
    color: red;

Any ideas on making this happen? :)

Answer №1

To simplify your code, you can utilize a variable and interpolation syntax like this:

@mixin customMixin($showMobile: true) {
  $mobileSelector: if($showMobile, ".foo .mobile:before,", "");
  #{$mobileSelector} .classXY .subclass:before {
    color: red;

.awesomeClass-A {
  @include customMixin();

@media (min-width: 1025px) {
  .awesomeClass-B {
    @include customMixin(false);

Answer №2

To incorporate variables, remember to prefix them with $ and include the entire class in the @if statement:

@mixin myMixin($mobileSelector: true) {
  @if ($mobileSelector) {
    .example-class .mobile:before,
    .anotherClass sub-class:before {
      color: red;
  } @else {
    .anotherClass sub-class:before {
      color: red;

.incredible-Class-A {
  @include myMixin();

@media (min-width: 1025px) {
  .incredible-Class-B {
    @include myMixin(false);

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