Swap Text Inside String - JS

I have a challenge where I need to extract an ID from an HTML element and then replace part of the extracted word. For instance:


<input type="checkbox" id="facebookCheckbox"></div>


var x = document.getElementById("facebookCheckbox");
var name = x.id;

The method above doesn't work as expected because the word being replaced must be standalone. Is there an alternative approach to achieve this?

I prefer using plain Javascript without involving jQuery.

Appreciate any guidance!

Answer №1


In reality, the function does indeed work and there is no requirement for the word to be "standalone" - any portion of the string can be recognized. The issue lies in the fact that you are not utilizing the output of this action:

// or
title = title.replace("Checkbox","");
// or assign back to x.id perhaps?

Answer №2

When you perform a replacement in this scenario, make sure to assign the output of .replace() back to the variable x.id. This way, you are essentially creating a new copy of the string with the replacement applied.

var x = document.getElementById("checkboxExample");
x.id = x.id.replace("Example","");

Answer №3

This approach might not yield the desired results. However, a marker character can be used to divide the name into an array and execute the necessary logic. Here's an example:

var x = document.getElementById("instagram_Checkbox");
//Adding an underscore to the Id
var name = x.id;
var arr = name.split("_");

//Now you have Checkbox and Instagram as individual string objects in the array, which you can manipulate

name = arr[0];

Hopefully, this method will serve its intended purpose.

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