Anchor validation across various spans

Here is the HTML code snippet I am working with:

    <p class="main-text">
      <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
      <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
      <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
      <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
      <span>Lorem Ipsum.</span>

Accompanied by the following CSS style:

.main-text > span {
    display: inline-block;

I am looking for a way to have a single anchor tag wrap around all spans, allowing the user to click the link when hovering over any of the text content. Is there a solution to achieve this without individually wrapping each span element in an anchor tag?

      <p class="main-text">
        <a href="same url">
          <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
        <a href="same url">
          <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
        <a href="same url">
          <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
        <a href="same url">
          <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
        <a href="same url">
          <span>Lorem Ipsum.</span>

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Is this what you had in mind?

.main-text>a>span {
  display: inline-block;
a { text-decoration:none }
<p class="main-text">
  <a href="">
    <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
    <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
    <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
    <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
    <span>Lorem Ipsum.</span>

Or maybe this was what you were thinking?

document.querySelector(".main-text").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
  const tgt =;
  if (tgt.tagName == "SPAN") location = "";
.main-text>span {
  display: inline-block;
  cursor: pointer
<p class="main-text">
  <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
  <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
  <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
  <span>Lorem Ipsum</span>
  <span>Lorem Ipsum.</span>

Answer №2

To ensure all the <span> tags direct to the same link and allow users to click on the <span> tags but not in the spaces between them, you can implement the following CSS code.

.main-text a {
  pointer-events: none;
  text-decoration: none;

.main-text a span {
  pointer-events: auto;
<p class="main-text">
  <a href="">

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