Leveraging Columns in HTML and CSS

Looking to create a layout with 2 separate columns for the content on my website. The desired layout is shown below:


On my computer monitor, it displays as intended. However, on my mobile device it appears like this:


I want the two columns to always be side by side, and not stacked on top of each other as on mobile.


#leftSide {

#rightSide {


<div id="leftSide">
<div id="rightSide">

Answer №1

Make sure to inspect the resolution of your mobile device. If it has a screen width below 800px, your content may not display properly as it requires more than 800px for optimal viewing.

Additionally, when aiming for a 2-column layout, consider using CSS float properties to position the divs on the left and right. Learning about responsive design techniques in CSS can help adjust the width of your divs based on different device widths.

Answer №2

One option could be utilizing the display block-inline feature or alternatively floating the image to the right. Another approach is using tables, although personally I find them cumbersome.

    #sidebar {
    margin-left: 7%;

Ensure that the cumulative widths do not exceed the size of the parent container. Additionally, consider adding some padding to the right side of the image.

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