Interactive JQuery plugin for scrolling through thumbnails with customizable buttons

I am attempting to create a jQuery thumbnail scroller with buttons that respond to mousedown and mouseup events. I have successfully implemented the scrolling functionality, but I am facing issues when trying to refactor it into a reusable function. Below is the code for my scroller:

var $wrapper = $('.my_ul');
var $div = $('.my_div');
var $ul = $('.my_ul');

function scrollRight() {
  var divLeft = $ul.css('marginLeft');
  divLeft = Math.abs(parseInt(divLeft)) - 60;

  var width = $div.width();
  var ulwid = $ul.width();

  var ulWidth = $ul.width() - width;
  if (divLeft >= ulWidth) {
  } else {
    $wrapper.animate({'margin-left': '-=10'}, 1, scrollRight);

function scrollLeft() {   
  var divLeft = $ul.css('marginLeft');
  divLeft = parseInt(divLeft);

  if (divLeft >= 0) {
  } else {
    $wrapper.animate({'margin-left': '+=10'}, 1, scrollLeft);

function stopScrolling() {


I have tried creating a parameterized function without success, and I have noticed that the animation slows down due to recursive calls. If anyone has alternative solutions or suggestions, please share them with me.

Answer №1

This method is proven to be effective:

function scrollFunction($rightSide, $leftSide, $wrapperElement, $divElement, $ulElement) {


    ... insert custom functions here ...


Simply call the function with the output of a jQuery selection for the desired elements.

scrollFunction($(".scroll_right"), $(".scroll_left"), ...);

Answer №2

If we want to increase the speed, we can make this adjustment:

 $wrapper.animate({'margin-left' : '+=20'}, 1, scrollLeft);}

To add a slight delay of 1/60 second, we can do this:

$wrapper.animate({'margin-left' : '+=10'}, 16, scrollLeft);}

Another optimization suggestion is to extract this part out of the function to avoid redundant jQuery calls. This section remains constant throughout scrolling and even after loading the div and ul elements:

var width = $div.width();
var ulwid = $ul.width();
var ulWidth = ulwid - width;

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