Prevent jQuery from overriding CSS styling

Having an issue with adding a <p> tag before each jQuery accordion on my MVC page.

No matter what I try, the jQuery styling keeps interfering with the classes and styles of my <p> tag. Is there a way to make it look like the other non-jQuery <p> tags without the interference?


Below is the code used to create the accordions:

<section id="accordions" aria-label="accordion-expand\collapse" class="col-md-12">
  foreach (var accordion in Model.Content.Children.Where(f => f.DocumentTypeAlias.Equals("Accordion", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
    var isInScheme = Model.User != null ? Model.User.IsInScheme(accordion.GetPropertyValue<String>("schemeTypes")) : false;
    var isMemberStatus = Model.User != null ? Model.User.IsMemberStatusType(accordion.GetPropertyValue<String>("memberStatusTypes")) : false;

    if ((!accordion.HasValue("schemeTypes") && !accordion.HasValue("memberStatusTypes")) || (isInScheme && isMemberStatus))
      if (accordion.GetPropertyValue<String>("accordionText") != "" & accordion.GetPropertyValue<String>("accordionText") != null)

      <h3 class="clearfix" id="@accordion.Id">
        <span class="title">@(accordion.GetPropertyValue<String>("accordionHeader"))</span>
      <article class="clearfix">

The issue is that jQuery adds unwanted classes to the accordionText inserted in the code above.

Answer №1

If I'm understanding correctly, the issue lies with your jQuery CSS selector.

It seems like you might have something similar to this:


This causes jQuery to apply the class to all <p> tags, including those you don't want it to affect.

To resolve this, consider changing your tag selector to a class selector and use that class for descendant <p> elements within the accordion.

Option 1:

Replace this line:


With this:

<p class="accordion-text">accordion.GetPropertyValue<String>("accordionText")</p>

Also change this part:




Option 2:

$("#accordions p").addClass("class");

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